
What is Quiet Quitting and Are Your Employees Doing It

What is Quiet Quitting and Are Your Employees Doing It

Posted by Stephen Spiegel on Apr 19, 2023

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They may not be storming out of the office or putting in their notice, but that doesn’t mean that your employees aren’t “quitting.”

69.2.2 C CrewHu

As a manager or business owner, one of your top priorities should be motivating your crew to be engaged and committed to their work. 

But what happens when employees start to check out and disengage from their responsibilities without you even realizing it? This is what’s known as quiet quitting, and it can cost your organization a lot more than you’d think in lost time and productivity. Here’s what you need to know to put a stop to quiet quitting before it starts.

What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting happens when employees mentally check out of their jobs, disengage from their work, and become less productive without formally resigning. This type of quitting is called “quiet” because employees don’t typically voice their dissatisfaction or intention to leave. Instead, they continue to show up to work – they just don’t put their hearts into it.

Quiet quitters do the bare minimum that their jobs require without putting in more effort than necessary – no working late or coming in early or volunteering for extra projects. Employees who quietly quit may seem like they’re still engaged and committed to their work, but really they’re just marking time until 5:00.

It’s a subtle form of workplace dissatisfaction that can be hard to detect but can have serious consequences for your business.

Signs that someone on your crew is quiet quitting

Quiet quitting can be difficult to detect at first glance. Unlike a more obvious resignation, there may not be any immediate changes to an employee’s behavior or performance. Over time, however, you may begin to notice some telltale signs that a member of your crew is checking out. These include:

  • Decreased productivity. If an employee who was once reliable and productive suddenly starts missing deadlines, producing lower-quality work, and overlooking key details, it could be a sign they are quietly quitting.
  • Lack of enthusiasm. An employee who was once excited and engaged in their work may suddenly seem disinterested or apathetic. They may stop contributing to meetings, offering suggestions, brainstorming ideas, or taking the initiative on projects. Instead, they may be going through the motions, completing tasks without real passion or investment.
  • Increased absences. Quiet quitters may start taking more sick or personal days than usual to distance themselves from the job without officially quitting.
  • Decreased social interaction. Employees who are disengaged from their jobs may also withdraw from their colleagues. They are less likely to engage in casual conversation, avoid team-building activities, or decline invitations to socialize outside of work. They may also be less responsive to emails or messages, indicating a lack of interest or investment in their role.
  • Poor attitude. Quiet quitting employees may start exhibiting a negative attitude toward their work or coworkers. They may become more irritable, critical, or pessimistic.
  • Reduced communication. If an employee who used to be communicative and responsive suddenly stops checking in or providing updates on their work, it could be a sign that they are disengaging from the job.
  • Lack of initiative. Quiet quitters may stop taking on new projects, preferring to do the bare minimum required to get by.
  • Burnout. Employees who quiet quit may show  signs of stress or burnout.  The combination of feeling disengaged from their work while still having to show up every day can be overwhelming, leading to exhaustion, frustration, or even resentment.

If you notice any of these signs in one of your employees, have a conversation with them to see if there’s anything you can do to address their concerns and re-engage them with their work. Even better, try to stop quiet quitting before it starts by keeping your employees motivated and engaged with their work. 

What you can do about quiet quitting

It isn’t easy to hear, but quiet quitting often isn’t an employee problem, but a management problem. If formerly enthusiastic and dedicated employees start checking out, you have to consider what you may have done to make them react that way and work to remedy the problem. Here’s how.

Have open and honest conversations

Be honest with your employees and encourage them to be honest with you. Create an environment where your crew members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. By having an open and honest dialogue, you can identify problems early on and work together to find solutions.

Provide feedback and recognition

Sometimes, employees quietly quit because they feel undervalued or unappreciated. Regular feedback and recognition can help boost morale and show your crew members that you value their work. Celebrate their successes and offer constructive feedback to help them improve.

Set goals and expectations

It’s important to set clear goals for your crew members. Make sure they understand what’s expected of them and what they need to do to succeed. This can help keep them engaged and motivated, as they have a clear sense of direction and purpose.

Provide training and development opportunities

Nobody wants to stay stuck in the same job forever, so you need to provide your employees with chances to climb the ladder and further their careers. Offering training and development opportunities can help your employees learn new skills and their careers to the next level. The ability to grow and develop will keep them engaged.

Build a positive company culture

A positive company culture can make a significant difference in preventing quiet quitting. Build a supportive and positive work environment where your employees feel comfortable and valued. Encourage teamwork and collaboration, and celebrate your successes together. 

Ultimately, you can prevent quiet quitting – or re-engage employees who have checked out – by making your office a place where people want to come to work, where they feel like they have a future and their ideas and contributions are valued. And if you need help getting started, the experts at Crewhu are just a mouse click away.

Let Crewhu keep your employees engaged

Crewhu helps organizations keep their employees engaged by providing an easy and resourceful system for recognizing and rewarding a job well done. We’ll help you and your crew celebrate your wins and appreciate them while building a corporate culture where everyone feels appreciated and motivated to do their best. Book a Crewhu demo today, and let us show you how we can help you prevent quiet quitting in your workplace.

Topics: Quitting, performance management, quiet quitting

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