
Top SLA Metrics for a High-Performing Customer Service Team

Top SLA Metrics for a High-Performing Customer Service Team

Posted by Stephen Spiegel on Dec 2, 2020


Are you tracking the right metrics for a higher customer satisfaction score (CSAT)?

Customer satisfaction should be a top priority, no matter your industry or area of expertise. Your customer satisfaction score (CSAT) tells you directly whether a customer was happy with their experience or product.

The CSAT is particularly important for the customer service teams, since they are often the first or last touchpoint a customer has with the business. Within your customer service department, you need to track the right metrics so you can address problem areas or employees and continue to meet the needs of your clients.

In this article, we’ll look at:

  • SLA metrics that most impact your CSAT
  • Why those metrics matter
  • Other customer service best practices
  • Crewhu’s integration with Connectwise

SLA metrics for a great CSAT

To understand the CSAT and how to influence it, the metrics that most impact CSAT and should be top-of-mind. These should be addressed in the service level agreements (SLAs), so clients understand the commitment you’re making.

1. Response time: The average response time is the period between when the ticket was submitted until the first response from customer service. This metric is generally recorded in minutes and can show productivity levels for the team.

2. Resolution time: The response time plus the time a ticket spends in phases of resolution is known as the average resolution time. This metric typically only includes business days and working hours (so, for example, weekends wouldn’t be included in the resolution time).

3. Number of tickets resolved: This metric tracks the number of tickets that have been resolved over the tracked time period.

4. Ticket escalation: Because humans are imperfect, it’s not likely that you will meet your SLAs exactly, 100% of the time, without escalations. It’s thus important to incorporate metrics related to ticket escalation to track how you’re doing, including the number of tickets resolved with and without escalation for comparison.


Why these metrics matter

SLA metrics like those listed above help you improve your CSAT. These metrics work together with your CSAT and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that you’re improving customer satisfaction while tracking your performance in each area against your SLAs.

But why do these metrics matter so much? Why care about CSAT in the first place? When your customers are satisfied, you’re going to be more profitable and able to sustain longer relationships with loyal customers. You won’t be able to grow unless your customer service approach keeps getting better.

Best practices for the customer service team

There are a few other best practices to help you increase customer satisfaction and focus on more accurate and efficient metric tracking.

1. Consistent handling of tickets: First, whoever responds to the ticket should also be the team member that resolves the issue. Why? Otherwise, employees could start picking and choosing which tickets they take on based on how easy or quick they’ll be.

2. Use the NPS: One proven best practice to keep tabs on your CSAT is to integrate the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This is a one-question survey that asks customers how likely it is that they would recommend your business to a friend or colleague on a scale from 0 to 10. Users only have to click once to respond, and the score can say a lot about how you’re being perceived and how satisfied your customers are.

3. Keep CSAT reporting simple: Make sure that your system for measuring CSAT is simple and straightforward. You need to be able to follow up with unsatisfied customers, for example, so you can show them you take their feedback seriously. It’s also crucial that you are able to track a negative score back to the applicable team or employee to open up opportunities for additional training or support.

4. Incorporate gamification: Another tip is to use gamification techniques to reward and establish the right behaviors on the team. Gamification improves employee engagement, which ultimately leads to more satisfied customers. Integrate contests and recognition activities into your metrics tracking process.

Crewhu’s Connectwise Integration

Crewhu is making it easier than ever to improve your CSAT and track important SLA metrics. We’ve integrated Connectwise so that your customer service tickets can be automatically pulled into your Crewhu account. Then, it’s easy to set up metrics or contests for your teams. These small steps can greatly improve both employee engagement and customer satisfaction.

All you have to do is set your integration with Connectwise in your Crewhu account to start collecting information and see the metrics start to populate. You can create contests through the system based on each metric – for example, the number of resolved tickets.

When you’re ready to transform your approach to employee and customer engagement, reach out to the team at Crewhu to get started with our platform. Schedule a demo of the Crewhu platform to see how our tools could work for your teams.

Topics: Customer Service, NPS, CSAT

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