
Not Your Typical Employee of the Month Award: Peer Recognition Awards

Not Your Typical Employee of the Month Award: Peer Recognition Awards

Posted by Stephen on Aug 10, 2015
Are employees slacking? Want to improve your employees' morale and teamwork? Starting to realize your typical employee incentive programs (i.e 'employee of the month' awards) aren't quite giving you the return you expected? Ready to try some new employee engagement activities?
"There are no straight lines in nature or business" -Verne Harnish, The Growth Guy
It's time to try something new! Manager and peer recognition awards can help you improve the overall success of your business. Using awards to recognize and encourage good behavior in your office helps your team know what actions/attitudes make up your company culture. Not only this, but the recipient of the award is sure to appreciate your recognition, and this may inspire them to work even harder and produce even better results for your business; increasing sales, improving help desk support, optimizing employee utilization, etc.

Peer Recognition Awards

Typically when you think of employee incentive ideas, what comes to mind is managers giving awards to members of their team. We're here to help you take it to the next level...using Peer Recognition Awards. Allow your employees the chance to give some awards too! By giving their coworkers awards, you help strengthen your business in many ways.
Source: Lionsgate
By giving your employees the opportunity to recognize one another you may learn whose working extra hard while you aren't watching. This gives you valuable insight to use during employee performance reviews (performance review examples). Additionally, allowing your employees the opportunity to award one another may help build teamwork and trust among the group.
Just as much as an employee would appreciate an award from you, their manager, employees appreciate recognition from their teammates as well. Here are a couple peer recognition examples (which can be easily setup in CrewHu's employee recognition software).

Above & Beyond Award

Give your employees the chance to call out the the team player who continuously goes above & beyond their regular responsibilities. As a manager, you may not see all the small parts that go into keeping your team running like a well oiled squadron. When an employee awards this to their teammate, you can be sure that the recipient is someone you want to keep on your team as your Top Gun.

T-N-T Award 



Today Not Tomorrow: Employees should give this award to the team member who takes initiative and completes tasks as they come in. This person is the anti-procrastinator. This is great behavior to encourage in your office, helping to improve the overall efficiency and utilization of your entire team with this badge.

Looking for other helpful tools? Try setting up SMART Goals for your employees. Here are SMART Goals examples and a SMART Goals template.


Using recognition awards instead of your typical 'employee of the month' awards is a great start in the direction of reaching optimized employee engagement and utilization. Using peer awards as another tactic to optimize your business will give you insights into how your team functions, and improve their teamwork and trust with one another. Looking for more peer & manager recognition awards?
10 Peer & Manager Recognition Awards  [Free Download]

Topics: employee recognition, employee engagement, recognition award

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